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Billy Ferrell

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CCO Associate Billy Ferrell helps to advance our mission by providing teaching, coaching, and mentoring to our staff in the support raising ministry.

Most recently, he has served the CCO as our Eastern Region Gift & Stewardship Officer, helping to raise money to support our ministries. He first joined CCO staff in 2006 to minister to young adults in York, Pennsylvania, serving students at York College of Pennsylvania and Harrisburg Area Community College's York Campus.

Billy has a passion to see college students integrated into the life of the local church and to help students live out their faith in every area of life. He says, "I believe we honor Christ best when we focus most on doing all we can to help others reach their fullest potential, and when we do all we can to love people and build God's Kingdom without worrying about who gets credit." Billy is honored to serve in ministry alongside his wife, Stephanie, and their five children. Billy is employed as the Parent and Family Gift Officer at Gettysburg College.

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