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Stephanie (Frankie) Repp

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Stephanie "Frankie" Repp ministers to students at St. John's College and the United States Naval Academy, both in Annapolis, Maryland.

Frankie graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2016 with a degree in child development and family relations. She spent her first year on CCO staff ministering to students at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, and then spending several years reaching students at Anne Arundel Community College in Annapolis, Maryland.

"As a college student, the experiences that taught, challenged, and transformed me the most were those that occurred because of my involvement in the CCO," says Frankie. "God has called me into ministry, and if I can help mentor and grow alongside other young believers who are figuring out their identities in Christ and their places in the world the way that my campus ministers did for me, then I will do so joyfully."

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