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Brendon Hall

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Brendon Hall reaches out to students at Grove City College and Slippery Rock University in partnership with Gateway EPC. He first joined CCO staff in 2014 to minister to student-athletes at Allegheny College.

"I love college students!" says Brendon. "They are passionate and fun, curious to explore who they are and what impact they want to make on the world. Yet college students can also experience much anxiety and uncertainty as they ask questions and try to find answers without the same support they are used to. This is why I love working with the CCO to walk alongside students in their doubts and questions, and to help them gain a vision for their life and for the life of the world. Imagine a student transformed by Christ, truly believing that they are deeply loved and made with a purpose. How exciting to consider the life-giving impact they will have for the Kingdom both now and after they graduate, in every area of life!"


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