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As Some of Your Own Poets Have Said: A Finals Week Devotional

As Some of Your Own Poets Have Said: A Finals Week Devotional

Sometimes finals week can be the last time you want to dive deeper into Scripture. It's stressful and schedules already feel tight. Our prayer time becomes a panicked cry of desperation in the library as 3am nears rather than a time of intimacy and dialogue with the Lord.

Is it possible this could be one of the richest weeks of studying with the Lord? We need to be reminded this week, perhaps more than ever, of the significance of our work.

Do you know, dear ones, how much God celebrates your passions? He loves seeing you delight in His creation. When we take time to read the Scriptures and spend time with God, we are with the One who created all things and in whom all things are held together! He is the embodiment of Wisdom and Truth. Walking in step with the Spirit creates the opportunity to tap into the wisdom of Heaven. I believe that the Holy Spirit can empower us to write, study, and become the best students possible.

In a time that may be full of heaviness, anxiety, and stress, we align ourselves with the yoke of Jesus that is easy and light. I invite you to take a minute to read Words of Life. Set aside some time to sit with the One who brings refreshment to your soul and eases the anxious mind.

Some of these Scriptures relate more to the academic and vocational realm of finals week and others will remind you to cast our cares upon Jesus. My prayer is that you will encounter Jesus and see with fresh eyes the beauty in the calling of being a student.

Soli deo gloria.  

As Some of Your Own Poets Have Said

A finals week devotional

As Some of Your Own Poets Have Said

by Jamie Donne