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Byron Borger

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Byron Borger is a CCO Associate, ministering to students and staff through his work as proprietor (with his wife, Beth) of Hearts and Minds Bookstore in Dallastown, Pennsylvania.

Byron first connected to CCO ministry during his student years at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and he served as campus ministry staff in the 1970s, before opening the bookstore.

"I love maintaining my relationship with CCO and it is a great joy to be able to say I'm a CCO Associate," says Byron. "We get to sell books at most staff events, lug boxes to OCBP, Leadership Together, and set up displays at big events like Summer Institute and Jubilee, not to mention having the great opportunity to consult with staff week by week on books and curriculum needs for their classes, programs, and individual students. We are grateful to have this role with our favorite ministry organization."

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