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Jonny Cagwin

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Jonny Cagwin serves the CCO as our Formation and Discipleship Specialist, and also as Campus Ministry Staff, reaching out to student-athletes at Carnegie Mellon University.

"In middle school, I had a camp counselor and mentor who showed me what it looked like for someone to be interested in my life and my growth as a child of God," says Jonny. "He had my friends and me over to his house for movie nights or to play football or street hockey. He pointed me and others to Christ as Savior and Lord of our lives through the time and teaching he offered to us. He helped me understand that my life, my talents and abilities, and my interactions with others matter to God.

"I want to help create an understanding in others that my camp counselor did in me. It is because of their impact on my life that I am on staff with the CCO."


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