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Jen Everett

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CCO Associate Jen Everett reaches out to students at Shippensburg University.

"I would not be the person I am today without the love, community, and friendship I found within the CCO ministry at Slippery Rock," Jen says. "I remember how tough the first year was being thrown into an unfamiliar place and surrounded by drinking, drugs, and bad choices. I had to find out who I am and what I believe. I began to depend on God and grow more deeply in relationship with him because of this organization.

"I know now that my heart is with college students and everything I have gone through has prepared me for campus ministry. I am excited to combine my knowledge and skills of fitness with the love that God gives to spend time with students at Shippensburg University. As a campus minister, I hope to create a safe environment where I can build relationships with students, ultimately sharing the love of Jesus Christ."

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