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Paul Harbison

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Paul Harbison serves as Director of the Department of Transformative Opportunities, and as the leader of the CCO Experiential Designs (XD) Team.

Paul spent his undergraduate years involved in a CCO campus ministry, and he joined CCO staff in 1978 with the vision and responsibility of integrating outdoor adventure education into the context of college ministry. During his time with CCO, Paul has served as a youth pastor at a local church, directed a summer wilderness camp for troubled youth, and served as adjunct faculty for an undergraduate youth ministry program. As the Director of Experiential Designs, Paul now oversees the implementation and operation of this specialized area of ministry that uses adventure education to transform students in Christ to transform the world.

"The out-of-doors is an excellent environment to engage college students about knowing who God is and to evaluate the direction of their lives," Paul says. "College students are very open to life-changing experiences which shape their faithfulness in all areas of life."

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