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Shelly Riemersma

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Shelly Riemersma serves the CCO as Staff Spiritual Director, helping our staff remain and deepen in their life in Christ, so that they may bear good fruit in Him and not on their own.

A graduate of Geneva College, Shelly eventually taught and coached at her alma mater, and got to know several CCO staff before she came on board herself in 1998.

"Working with CCO staff is a spiritual director's dream!" Shelly says. "The opportunity to work with young people who have put their money where their mouth is,' so to speak, and take risks with and for God is a delight and an honor. I'm also drawn by the larger vision of the CCO. To help open the minds and hearts of college students, in strategic years of growth and openness, to the broad vision of including God and others and all of Creation in their dreaming of the Kingdom is very inspiring to me. I see my work as helping our staff stay healthily and fully in the Vine so that they can bear True, Living fruit for Jesus in college students."

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