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Walt Johnston

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Walt and Sue Johnston’s ministry is focused on the thousands of international students and scholars at Penn State University Park. 

International students are a HIDDEN UNREACHED GROUP on most university campuses in the USA. They are more than just undergrads. Look for Masters, PhD, post-doc researchers, visiting professors, and some family members — ages 18 to 50 years old.

Here at Penn State University, it is 20% or 10,000 internationals from all continents of the world. They have a passport in their pocket and most will return home after their studies. Often in a gathering of 25-35 students, 15 nations are represented. It is a privilege and a unique opportunity to engage with them. These are the brightest of their country and will be their leaders in a few years. Besides their studying, they are curious about Americans, the American life, and opportunities to explore their communities and more.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR interns, co-workers, and volunteers to catch the vision. Are you looking to discover or help out here or at another university. Age is not a factor. Contact us!

INTERNATIONALS coming here to study are also wanting to experience  American life. They are also open to hearing about Christianity, the Bible, and a spiritual life—not religion, but a person representing the love of Christ in personal relationships. Some come with a curiosity, some become curious, and some never do. That is OK. We are called to bless them, show them real friendship, love, and life. It is God's work to bring that life to light in life and in Bible studies. We have been doing this for 10 years and the friendships are real, the Lord is at work and we need more people to help engage with the students and visiting internationals.

The principles we practice could easily be used in reaching out to the international community in your non-school area too. A key concept we use is to begin with hospitality and kindness and a gentle approach to life and bring in the Word as it fits! And it does fit.

God is at work and we would love to have you consider joining us for a weekend, for a summer, for a year, for a second career!

A tiny autobiography
We lived in the Philippines for 23 years in missionary work, and now 10 years here at Penn State University. They seem very different and yet they are not. Previously, we experienced being the foreigners and wanting local Filipino friends. Now we are the locals and are befriending the foreigners studying here.


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Next Generation Fund