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Our team includes our staff and associates, partners, board members, and advisory council members, who are all deeply committed to our mission.
CCO Associate Gus Goggin ministers to students at his alma mater, Ball State University.
Ryan Carlson serves as a CCO Associate with our Experiential Designs (XD) Team and the Department of Transformative Opportunities.
Sean Purcell serves CCO staff and students as Education and Design Specialist with the Department of Transformative Opportunities.
CCO Associate Rick Whitlock reaches out to students at Butler University and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
Michael Previtera ministers to students at Xavier University through his role as Director of Graduate Student Fellowship and International Student...
Aaron Meyer reaches out to students at Fresno State University, Fresno Pacific University, and Fresno City College through a partnership with First...
CCO Associate Gordon Truesdale reaches out to students at Allegheny College.
Lisa Kutolowski serves as a CCO Associate with the Experiential Designs Team and the Department of Transformative Opportunities.
Shelley Williams joyfully serves the CCO as Accounting Specialist.
Jonny Cagwin serves the CCO as our Formation and Discipleship Specialist, and also as Campus Ministry Staff, reaching out to student-athletes at...
CCO Associate Bill Schultz ministers to students at Kenyon College.
Shelly Riemersma serves the CCO as Staff Spiritual Director, helping our staff remain and deepen in their life in Christ, so that they may bear...
Gene Tibbs (aka "Baba" Gene Tibbs and "Nana Kwabena Nyamekye Agyeman I") reaches out to students at the University of Pittsburgh.
Rev. Jim Hagan reaches out to students who attend Georgetown University.
Celeste Carl ministers to students at Washington & Jefferson College through a partnership with the Washington Campus Mission Board.
Jeff Ledebur is a CCO Associate, reaching out to students at the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville.
Mike Swanson serves the CCO as Director of Staff Development.
CCO Associate Bill Corbin ministers to students at Lock Haven University.